First Aid
We have a team of first aid trained staff at Crestwood, including a Matron on each campus.
We provide first aid to students and support them with any existing medical conditions. Please note that we cannot diagnose or treat children, but we can signpost students and parents/carers to the support they need.
We provide a link to the school immunisation and school nursing teams.
We are also trained in mental health first aid.
You may be contacted by us via telephone or the Medical Tracker if your child becomes unwell or is injured during the school day.
If you wish to discuss any medical concerns or conditions with regard to your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our School Matrons -
Mrs J Jackson, Matron, Shakespeare Campus -
Mrs C Mills, Matron, Cherbourg Campus -
Or call the school number 023 8064 1232
If your child becomes unwell in school, we will make every effort to try and keep them in school. If your child does need to go home, you will be contacted and a parent/carer will be required to collect them.
Please remember that every day counts with regard to school attendance and every day your child is out of school they miss 5 hours of learning.
If your child is absent from school with sickness/diarrhoea, they are required to remain at home for 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea. This is very important to avoid the spreading of viruses.