Governing Body
The governors are:
- Angela Wright, Chair of Governors (co-opted governor)
- John Anderson, Chair of Finance and Resources Committee (co-opted governor)
- Keith Atton, Chair of Achievement and Learning Committee (co-opted governor)
- Elisa Campos-Millan (co-opted governor)
- Chris Crofton (parent governor)
- Krista Dawkins (Head teacher)
- Rosie Hall (staff Governor)
- Wayne Irish (co-opted governor)
- Richard Kelly (LA governor)
- Justine Sayers (Clerk)
- Gareth Richardson (co-opted governor)
Safeguarding Governor is Angela Wright
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Governors are responsible for overseeing the running of the school, acting as a critical friend and challenging the Headteacher, Senior Leaders and staff to ensure students access high quality teaching and learning, the school’s funds from the government are used to best advantage for the school and that all staff and students have a safe and stimulating environment in which to teach, work and learn.
The Governors’ work is managed through a committee structure with much of the detailed monitoring work done in:-
- Achievement and Learning Committee
- Finance and Resources Committee
- Pastoral Committee
all of which meet six times a year. Governors come together as a Full Governing Body approximately six times per year to receive reports from the committees, approve policies, approve the budget and receive the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team’s report on the progress the school is making as detailed in their Strategic Plan and Improvement Plan.
Governance at Crestwood Community School is very good, as identified by Ofsted, though we are always succession planning for new governors and interested to hear from people who would like to be more involved.
Angela Wright
Chair of Governors
Copies of Governing Body Minutes are available on request from the Clerk to Governors, Justine Sayers, by emailing