
The Governors, Senior Leadership Team and staff of Crestwood Community School believe that smart schoolwear forms an essential part of the school ethos. All students attending Crestwood Community School are required to wear the correct uniform at all times.

The school transitioned to a new compulsory uniform for all from September 2018.

See the Uniform Policy on the Policies and Reports page for more information.

The school reserves the right in all matters concerning uniform to assess what is and what is not acceptable. If parents or students require further clarification on any of the regulations listed in our uniform policy please contact the Year Leader in the first instance.

Uniform grants have been withdrawn from Hampshire County Council. Parents/carers finding themselves in financial hardship should contact adminoffice@crestwood.hants.sch.uk. There is set criteria that applies, but we also make allowances for the commencement of multiple children, e.g. twins.

All of our uniform can be purchased from SkoolKit in Eastleigh or online.