Crestwood Community School is built on the belief that all learners can succeed through developing their aspirations, creativity and independence. We aim to develop a curriculum that fosters a growth mindset, high aspirations and limitless ambition. We also aim to equip all learners with the skills needed to maximise academic progress and excellence.
“The curriculum has been thoughtfully organised to ensure that there are opportunities for all students to achieve” – Ofsted
We review our curriculum regularly to meet the needs of our students and ensure we offer the most up-to-date range of courses and qualifications. We emphasise the importance of the English Baccalaureate and encourage our students to follow a broad and balanced set of subjects, which will best equip and prepare them for the next stage.
Students are placed in sets for most subjects, which take account of their attainment. For other subjects they are taught in mixed ability groups. Expectations of progress are high, whatever a student’s starting point. High quality, dynamic teaching and the creation of an innovative learning environment are key to enabling all students to make rapid rates of progress.
Progress is monitored through Parents’ Evenings and termly subject specific reports. We welcome parents into the School at any time to discuss their child’s progress. Appointments can be made by emailing staff or by contacting reception. If they arise, we like to know of concerns early and encourage parents to contact the School immediately.