During your time at Crestwood Community School, you will progress through a varied scheme of classroom work, events, visits and activities to ensure that you are prepared and ready for the working world. The steps you take now will set you up for future success, so make the most of everything on offer to you!
Student Entitlement
Students in Years 7-11 are entitled:
To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evenings, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Careers Lead and Advisor
You have a dedicated Careers Lead and Advisor, Mrs Smith available to you at school. Please pop in to see me (my offices are In West Block and between E1 and E2) or you can email Whether you need help writing your first CV, are curious about how to join one of the Services, would like some information on the local colleges or want to chat about your future choices we are here to help!
Key Stage 3 – Years 7, 8 and 9
Through the Careers programme and PSHE curriculum you will strengthen your skills and gain knowledge of different Career pathways, looking at how the curriculum relates to different Careers. Skills you develop include body language, communication, team work, and learn just how important these are to reach the career you want. You will learn about the variety of different pathways available to you post 16 and how to enhance your own employability through activities such as volunteering and being involved in schemes such as the Duke of Edinburgh Programme and the National Citizens Service.
Key Stage 4 – Years 10 and 11
During this time the focus will be on work experience, producing a CV, college and apprenticeship applications, writing personal statements and practise interviews. You will have the opportunity of attending our fantastic Careers and Apprenticeship Fairs. This allows you and your parents an opportunity to talk face-to-face with employers, colleges, different training providers and universities.
For all students, an in-house impartial Careers Advisor will be available for 1:1 appointments to discuss your ideas for your Post 16 plan.
Work Experience
Work experience takes place in Year 10. Students are initially asked to find their own placements, if they have difficulty with this then Mrs Smith with help to secure a placement.
More opportunities and events are sent out via email regularly or posted on Google Classroom by Mrs Smith.
Give us feedback! We are always looking to develop and evolve our careers education provision so please do get in contact if you have any comments or suggestions.
Why am I studying that?
Click on the icons below to find out which work related skills you are learning in these subjects and which jobs they could lead to...
What Will I Do When I Leave School?
Take a look at the different options available to you when you leave Crestwood by clicking the image below:
Virtual Careers Festival
Each year we hold a careers fair and invite colleges, universities and employers to come and talk to you about the choices and pathways available to you after you leave Crestwood.
Just click on the image below to go to the full map with links to websites and videos for a host of local opportunities!
Zoom in and click on the symbols underneath each college or employer.
How much can I earn as a…..?
Did you know that there are now THOUSANDS of jobs available through apprenticeships – you can Earn As You Learn! Click on the image below to find out Just how many there are:
“Skills Champions are young people from all walks of life, who have overcome different challenges throughout their lives in order to thrive and succeed – personally and professionally. Hear from them as they discuss how their choices shaped their journey and they offer valuable insights to young people”
Click the links below to take an in depth look at local industries
Did you know that there are over 350 different careers in the NHS?
Click on the link below to find out if one of them might suit you!
Watch this to find out more!
The WOW Show – It’s Your Future
Find Out More About Apprenticeships
This Month: Take a look at Construction – there may be more to it than you thought
Social Media – Don’t let it ruin your career
University or apprenticeship?
Being a cyber security apprentice